

Dyspraxia is a neurologically based disorder also known as (Developmental Co-ordination Disorder, and the Clumsy Child Syndrome) is present from birth. These children have difficulty in motor planning of movement to achieve a predetermined idea or purpose.  It is believed to be an immaturity of parts of the motor cortex (area of the brain) that prevents messages (ideas) from being properly transmitted to the body, which may affect any or all areas of development. It is inconsistent, and affects each child in different ways, at different stages of development and varies in severity.

A child with difficulties in learning skills such as eating with a spoon, speaking clearly, doing up buttons, riding on a bike or handwriting may be described as dyspraxic. The movements which are involved in these activities are all skilled movements, which are voluntary and may be affected by dyspraxia. Voluntary movements, unlike reflexes, are under the conscious control of the individual who carries them out.

The idea of a developmental profile may be helpful when considering a child who has difficulties with co-ordinated movements. If motor skills are at a different level from the other areas of development, there may be a specific problem such as developmental dyspraxia.


  • Poor balance and coordination
  •  Clumsiness
  • Vision problems
  • Perception difficulties
  • Emotional and behavioural problems
  •  Difficulty with reading, writing, and speaking
  • Poor social skills
  • Poor posture
  • Poor short-term memory
  • Improper pencil grip
  • Too much or too little pressure on the pencil while writing
  • Hand eye so-ordination is not proper
  • Have difficulty in tracing objects
  • Have difficulty in solving mazes
  • They have difficulty in comprehending the information received through various senses

It is said that many individuals will never be able to overcome the struggles they face with this disorder, making it hard for them to adapt in society. The level of discomfort associated with Dyspraxia is more of the social order, as the disorder can easily cause depression, and manic compulsive behavior. It is not uncommon for a child with this disorder to be placed in special education programs, as it basically would be detrimental to the development of the child, to be placed with peers of higher function.

What is most misunderstood about this disorder is that people assume there is a lack of intelligence associated with the disorder, this cannot be further from the truth.


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